Foreign Workers Medical

Provides the necessary coverage for your foreign employees (Work Permits & S Pass holders)


Daily Room and Board

We pay for the hospital charges for accommodation, general nursing services and meals for each day of confinement as an Inpatient in a Hospital at the recommendation of a Physician.

Intensive Care Unit

We pay for the daily room and board charges incurred when an insured worker is in the Intensive Care Unit of a Hospital.

Hospital Miscellaneous Expenses

We pay for the miscellaneous hospital charges incurred in the Hospital that are medically necessary.

Post-Hospitalisation Treatment

We pay for the charges incurred for follow-up treatment by the same attending Physician received immediately after discharge from a Hospital or Day Surgery.

Key benefits

Pre-existing Conditions

ALL pre-existing illnesses are covered up to S$15,000 and no waiting period of 12 months.

Hassle-free Administration

Policy can be administered on a headcount basis for group size of more than 20 workers.

Better Refund Policy

A 4-tier premium adjustment for addition and deletion of workers.

No waiting Period

No waiting period of 12 months
Frequently asked questions

Why do I need to purchase medical insurance for my foreign worker?

Since 1st January 2008, subsidies on hospital bills for foreigners have been removed. With the revision, Ministry of Manpower (MOM) mandates for all employers to purchase a minimum medical insurance of S$5,000 for their foreign workers during their stay in Singapore. And with effect from 1st January 2010, MOM announced that the minimum insurance coverage has been increased from S$5,000 to S$15,000 for foreign workers (Work Permits & S Pass holders). With the increased in the benefit, it will help to reduce employer’s exposure to large bills.

What are the benefits under our FWMI plan?

o All pre-existing illness are covered up to S$15,000 o No waiting period of 12 months o Policy can be administered on a headcount basis for group size of more than 20 workers o A 4-tier premium refund policy for addition and deletion of workers o Faster claims processing

Do I need to update MOM on my medical insurance?

Yes. All employers need to furnish the medical insurance details for their Work Permit and S Pass holders via Work Permit Online (WPOL). You are required to furnish the following information: 1. Name of Insurer: EQ Insurance 2. Insurance Policy Number: 3. Insurance Policy Commencement Date: 4. Insurance Policy Expiry Date: For more information, you may visit MOM’s website at or contact MOM's hotline directly at: Tel: (65) 6438 5122 MOM allows same policy no. for registration of additional workers. If you encounter any errors in online registration, you may print the screen shot, indicating the error message and fax to MOM at 65320795.

Can I backdate the policy commencement date?

No, backdating is not allowed.

Does the EQ FWMI plan guarantee renewability?

Renewability is not guaranteed, subject to claims experience. The premium rate may also change upon renewal.

How are the premiums charged / refunded if an employee joins or leave the employment of the company?

If the group size is 20 and below, the Policy shall be administered on a “named” basis. Full particulars showing the insured worker’s (i) name, (ii) WP/SP No and (iii) effective date of cover or date of termination of cover shall be provided in writing within 1 month of such addition/deletion and we shall charge or refund the premium based on pro-rated basis.

If the group size is more than 20, the Policy shall be administered on a “headcount (unnamed) basis” with a list of all insured workers lodged with us at inception. New workers will be automatically covered. Headcount adjustments, based on average, will be done at the end of each policy period if the policy is renewed for another 12 months. Refund premium shall not exceed 25% of the provisional premium.

No refund of premium will be granted if there is a claim submitted by the terminated worker.

How do I submit the claims for the hospital bill?

You will have to settle the bill with the hospital first. Thereafter, submit the following documents to EQ Insurance for reimbursement: 1. A copy of work permit 2. Original and Final Settled Hospital Bill 3. Inpatient Discharge Summary (for government hospitals only if patient is warded) 4. EQ Insurance – FWMI claim form for Hospital Claims is to be fully completed.

How to apply

Call or visit us

For enquiries, please call us at 6223 9433 or visit us at 5 Maxwell Road #17-00 Tower Block MND Complex Singapore 069110.

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